The evolution of minimally invasive spine surgery in the middle east and Bangladesh
The emerging field of minimally invasive spine surgery, which began in earnest about ten years ago, is just beginning to make an impact...

The human cost of political corruption
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Seen by Many as Contributing to the Genocide in The Democratic Republic of The Congo as well as to the...

Lindy Washburn-A journalistic puppet ?
A story published in a New Jersey tabloid, The Bergen Record, on November 17th 2013 written by Lindy Washburn is an unfortunate example...

Luminosity-fact or fiction ?
Intelligence is almost indefinable but some of the more ironically intelligent definitions include the ability to assimilate data, make...

The winter of our discontent
The ever-increasing complexity of the US healthcare system is reflected in the voluminous barrage of state regulations severely...

How to turn every challenge into an opportunity
The one simple answer to the above all encompassing quasi-life guidebook is the word perspective. We are born, we live, we die and during...

Wisdom of the wise falls short of the universal truth
Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power-Rene Descartes The mind is everything. What you think you become-Buddha...

Humanitarian Indian physician contributes to the intellectual and leadership future of the democrati
Dr Richard Arjun Kaul, a prominent Indian physician, well known philanthropist and pioneer in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery ...

Racial variations in spinal anatomy
It should be no surprise that among all of the variable phenotypes that inhabit the earth with a myriad of eye shapes, colors, facial...

Modular ambulatory surgical units
The provision of elective healthcare is increasingly migrating towards the outpatient ambulatory surgical setting, with the most recent...