The Prescription Opiate Conundrum
Within any health care system the are many complex relationships between the parties based on economics and the provision of what is...

The global implications for minimally invasive spine surgery
The evolution of minimally invasive spine surgery since the early 1990s has seen some of the most profound changes in the way healthcare...

The Future of Spinal Medicine
The trajectory of medicine over the last 30 years gives some indication as to where the speciality medicine will be in the next 30 years....

Fluroscopic guidance and interpretation-FGI
The use of x radiation to visualize the bony anatomy of the human body commenced about 100 years ago with cumbersome machines that...

The path of the innovator
THE PATH OF THE INNOVATOR Medicine is notoriously slow to react to the introduction of new technologies into the practice of clinical...

Spine in space
The inevitableness of planetary colonization is now rooted in the human consciousness. The ever expanding global population and finite...

The demise of interventional pain-The rise of minimally invasive spine surgery
The history of medicine is without question characterized by the constant of change, and none more so evidently than in the field of...

A boy with an African heart- The global impact of political corruption
1. For two years, you have been fighting the State of New Jersey and the Governor, Chris Christie. One of the things you have...

When the media just cant get it right-A doctor, a mobile phone and a misguided journalist
Much has been written about various events in my rather short but action packed life, and quite often by journalists too busy climbing...