You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life-Winston Chur
Jesus Christ was crucified because he stood up for the truth. Martin Luther King was assassinated because he stood up for the truth. ...

The mind is everything, what you think becomes- Buddha
The mind is a metaphysical understanding of the brain, which itself is an organ susceptible to tangible surgical dissection. The nerve...

The Spine Turf Wars-Was the New Jersey media willfully blind to the facts and science of spine surge
An article published in the New Jersey rag, the Star Ledger, on February 15th 2014 by Brent Johnson describes the long and complicated...

A global perspective
There is no question that as the global population becomes increasingly industrialized the incidence of spine related complaints will...

The insurance scam
The insurance industry commenced in the dingy back room of a coffee shop in the east end of London approximately three hundred years ago,...