The mind is everything, what you think becomes- Buddha
The mind is a metaphysical understanding of the brain, which itself is an organ susceptible to tangible surgical dissection. The nerve cells of the brain in all their complexity, are simply the foundation and framework on and around which the mind dances. The human mind is considered different to the mind of a dog, to name but one of many creatures, in that humans consider their version to have increased cognitive abilities. It is from the power of these cognitive processes that the unproven statement which describes humans as only using 10% of his brain has been allowed to take root in the minds of the common man. There is no way that with the current technology any neuroscientist can conclusively state that only 10% is functional. However there is no question that the mind and its source, consciousness, are indeed everything and from which our tangible existence has been born. What actually is the mind ? Is it a series of electromagnetic impulses generated as a consequence of neuropeptide transmission or is it something much more elaborate with connections to consciousness? The manifestation of our world commenced with a thought which is one of the simplest building blocks of the mind. A thought is generated within the brain, with the exact whereabouts not entirely clear, and can come into being for many internal and external reasons. For example, the individual predisposed to creating art might observe a sparkling light and suddenly experience a thought about a painting he wishes to create. This is the first step. The thought begins to settle into the frontal campus, the part of the brain associated with creativity, and then over time it gathers momentum from the data stored in the memory banks of the central brain. As the thought matures from an infant into the adult version, it widens its creative horizons, and more clearly defines the process of manifesting the thought. As this evolution occurs information will continually to stream into the thought both from within the brain and external sources, infusing even more life into this rapidly growing entity. The thought at this point is still dependent on the nerve cells and their peptides, without which it would not exist, and on which it relies for further development. The complexity of a thought is directly related to the sophistication of the underlying neural network, with the sophistication being causally related to genetics and environmental factors. The nature -nurture argument that has been raging for decades in the scientific community takes the position that the genetic composition of an individual interacts in subtle often undetected ways with the environmental forces he encounters, leading to changes in behavior, intellect and cognition from where thoughts are created. The complex reactions between the external event, the individuals reaction to the event and then the interplay with the genetic apparatus directs the course that the nerve cells and their peptides follow which leads to the culmination of the thought. Thought is matter or some would say an expression of energy. It is not, as many learned men incorrectly concluded, a thing of ethereality with no identifiable source, margins or definitions. As a human race we readily understand the terms car, house and child. These are macroscopic examples of microscopic entities that themselves are originated from atoms and molecules. A thought is the product of central neurological activity both in the chemical and electrical realms and it must be understood as a tangible entity. This tangible entity is the precursor that throughout the history of man has been responsible for the creation of the world in which we live. There is not one element of our existence other than pure unaltered nature that is not the child of a human thought. The concept of a thought will become an actual reality as technology develops to the point where every though can be matched to a specific neurophysiological brain pattern and with time, just as with the Genome Project, there will be a catalogue of thoughts that will have indexes linking them to electrical and chemical patterns. This reductionist school of neuropsychology has vast clinical implications and will as time progresses allow us to better understand and treat individuals with abnormal thought patterns. The Buddha was correct in his wisdom that every thought becomes a reality simply because every thought itself is a reality and according to the laws of physics and motion when one actual entity instances another it adopts the energy profile of the instigator which in this case is the thought. The ancient observations of Buddha came most likely from his ability to connect with the infinite, and in doing so he was able to understand the connection between what man has called the physical and metaphysical, although these divisions are fundamentally arbitrary. However the absolute truth of the statement can now be understood in slightly more modern terms, and it is no coincidence that the nature of a thought will dictate the nature of the thing created. It would not be too simple to say that good thoughts lead to good things, however one may exactly understand the word ‘good’. Life is a constant flow of painful and pleasurable experiences intended to teach, and from which all of us, if we are contemplatively reflective, will benefit. In fact it is the painful versions that provides us with the most valuable lessons. The thoughts we experience during these challenges will dictate the outcome of the events and although it is a greater challenge for positive thoughts to flourish in the midst of mental chaos it is necessary for a productive outcome. So as Buddha wisely said, what we think we become, and when difficulties arise the extra mental effort to maintain positive thoughts is essential and will, if repeatedly practiced become an almost effortless part of the repertoire of not just simply surviving but actually thriving. SO THINK