Robert Heary-The politically connected $3.1 million neurohack
For the last three years I have been writing extensively about the unfortunate role that political corruption plays in the field of New...

To be or not to be- A doctor- That is the quandry
The 21st century will be defined as that of technology, as was the 20th century defined as that of medicine. Times change, and so do the...

The Spine Turf Wars-Was the New Jersey media willfully blind to the facts and science of spine surge
An article published in the New Jersey rag, the Star Ledger, on February 15th 2014 by Brent Johnson and by Jon Swaine in the London...

The Truth-Dr. Richard Kaul
The following video is the candid and sometimes philosophical description of the life of Dr.Richard Kaul:

He who dares wins
The above is the motto used by the elite British special services, the SAS, and it perfectly coins the attitude of the soldiers that are...

The new face of medical marketing
The profession of medicine is no longer, for better or worse, a profession as it has become a trade. There are still members of the...

The shifting geopolitics of medicine
There was a time when every aspiring medical student around the world dreamed of passing the necessary exams to obtain a residency...

The insurance shakedown
Heinous white collar crimes are being committed against thousands of hard working doctors in the state of New Jersey and the problem has...

The abomination of jail-An un-Jesus like institution
The evidence collected to date, clearly indicates that the system of incarceration employed globally, to ostensibly punish legal...

Life without hope is, as they say, no life at all. We are born, we live and then we die. Some of us hope our journey continues after the...