Should the New Jersey Medical Board be elected by the states physicians as opposed to the current pr
The regulation of medicine varies in differerent parts of the world ranging from almost non to overly burdensome administrative bodies that are either elected or politically appointed.
In democratic America it is inconsistent that the President is elected by the people and yet a small group of people in New Jersey with immense powers are politically appointed, and as would seem obvious from this scenario, the potential for abuse is significant. To allow politicians to have any influence or control of strictly medical decisions is folly and can lead only to a deterioration in the quality of the healthcare system. It should not be forgotten that politicians are always pandering to the public vote and will switch in whichever direction the mob mentality decides to move.
Medicine started out with a simple unwritten contract between a doctor and his patient. The doctor promised he would do his best to help the ailing patient ,and the grateful patient was thankful of whatever benefit he received.
At some dark period in history the insurance companies and administrators inserted themselves into this special relationship, forever changing the honest pact a doctor makes with his patient.
The profession of medicine has drastically changed over the last two decades and will be unrecognisable within the next twenty years as non-physicians assume the majority of clinical responsibilities,
The main point of this blog is to bring attention to the urgent need for medical board reform and to raise awareness about the the entity overseeing physicians. Hopefully this attention will ensure the medical board members behave in an honest and ethical manner using their position not for political or financial gain but solely to help the public. New Jersey is widely regarded one of the most corrupt states in the US and so it is not surprising that this professsional cancer has been allowed to take root here. But times change and so must the inherently unjust, undemocratic constitution of the New Jersey medical board, A board that weilds too much power, with little accountability and one that needs to exit the 21st century as an elected, not politically appointed, public body.